We have about 200 user databases in which we have the full-text search enabled and these databases contain several tables. As part of my daily checks, I have to check the status of all full-text catalogs, to ensure that all full-text catalogs are successfully populated without errors. However, to check the status of every full-text catalog using SQL Server Management Studio is a challenge and very time consuming task. So, to make my life easier, I wrote the following T-SQL script that quickly returns the status of all full-text catalogs and their population status.
SELECT DB_NAME(ftsac.[database_id]) AS [db_name] ,DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(ftsac.[database_id]), 'IsFulltextEnabled') AS [is_ft_enabled] ,ftsac.[name] AS [catalog_name] ,mfs.[name] AS [ft_catalog_file_logical_name] ,mfs.[physical_name] AS [ft_catalog_file_physical_name] ,OBJECT_NAME(ftsip.[table_id]) AS [table_name] ,FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(ftsac.[name], 'IndexSize') AS [ft_catalog_logical_index_size_in_mb] ,FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(ftsac.[name], 'AccentSensitivity') AS [is_accent_sensitive] ,FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(ftsac.[name], 'UniqueKeyCount') AS [unique_key_count] ,ftsac.[row_count_in_thousands] ,ftsip.[is_clustered_index_scan] ,ftsip.[range_count] ,FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(ftsac.[name], 'ImportStatus') AS [import_status] ,ftsac.[status_description] AS [current_state_of_fts_catalog] ,ftsac.[is_paused] ,( SELECT CASE FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(ftsac.[name], 'PopulateStatus') WHEN 0 THEN 'Idle' WHEN 1 THEN 'Full Population In Progress' WHEN 2 THEN 'Paused' WHEN 3 THEN 'Throttled' WHEN 4 THEN 'Recovering' WHEN 5 THEN 'Shutdown' WHEN 6 THEN 'Incremental Population In Progress' WHEN 7 THEN 'Building Index' WHEN 8 THEN 'Disk Full. Paused' WHEN 9 THEN 'Change Tracking' END ) AS [population_status] ,ftsip.[population_type_description] AS [ft_catalog_population_type] ,ftsip.[status_description] AS [status_of_population] ,ftsip.[completion_type_description] ,ftsip.[queued_population_type_description] ,ftsip.[start_time] ,DATEADD(ss, FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(ftsac.[name], 'PopulateCompletionAge'), '1/1/1990') AS [last_populated] FROM [sys].[dm_fts_active_catalogs] ftsac INNER JOIN [sys].[databases] dbs ON dbs.[database_id] = ftsac.[database_id] LEFT JOIN [sys].[master_files] mfs ON mfs.[database_id] = dbs.[database_id] AND mfs.[physical_name] NOT LIKE '%.mdf' AND mfs.[physical_name] NOT LIKE '%.ndf' AND mfs.[physical_name] NOT LIKE '%.ldf' CROSS JOIN [sys].[dm_fts_index_population] ftsip WHERE ftsac.[database_id] = ftsip.[database_id] AND ftsac.[catalog_id] = ftsip.[catalog_id];
Here is the description of the columns of this script result set:
- db_name – Name of the SQL Server database, unique within an instance of SQL Server
- is_ft_enabled – The value of 1 indicates that the full-text and semantic indexing is enabled
- ft_catalog_file_logical_name – Returns the logical file name of the full-text index catalog file
- ft_catalog_file_physical_name – Returns the phyisical file name of the full-text index catalog file
- table_name – Returns the name of the table where full-text index exists
- ft_catalog_logical_index_size_in_mb – Returns the logical size of the full-text catalog in megabytes(MB)
- is_accent_sensitive – Returns the accent-sensitivity setting for full-text catalog. The value of 1 indicates that full-text catalog is accent sensitive
- unique_key_count – Returns the number of unique keys in the full-text catalog
- row_count_in_thousands – Returns the estimated number of rows (in thousands) in all full-text indexes in this full-text catalog
- is_clustered_index_scan – Indicates whether the population involves a scan on the clustered index
- range_count – Returns the number of sub-ranges into which this population has been parallelized
- import_status – Indicates whether the full-text catalog is being imported. The value of 1 indicates that the full-text catalog is being imported
- current_state_of_fts_catalog – Returns the state of the full-text catalog
- is_paused – Indicates whether the population of the active full-text catalog has been paused
- population_status – Returns the status of current population
- ft_catalog_population_type – Returns the type of full-text catalog population type
- status_of_population – Returns the status of this population
- completion_type_description – Returns the description of status of the population
- queued_population_type_description – Returns description of the population to follow, if any. For example, when CHANGE TRACKING = AUTO and the initial full population is in progress, this column would show “Auto population.”
- start_time – Returns the time that the population started.
- last_populated – Returns the time when the last full-text index population completed
I wrote this script using function FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY and following system views and dmvs:
Hope you will find this post useful ;) .